Tiuri is about to become a knight. All he must do is keep watch a full night. But when someone comes to the door begging for help, Tiuri cannot ignore them. Suddenly, he carries a message that must be delivered or the kingdoms of his realm will fall. Tiuri immediately leaves his home behind and begins this enormous journey. Within hours, enemies appear who will do anything to make sure Tiuri's quest will fail.
Mrs. Senechal says:
This story was originally written in Dutch in 1962 and was just recently published in the United States. I really liked this story because of all the unique characters that Tiuri meets - the author makes it difficult to know who to trust! Tiuri also makes a great hero because he is so honorable. This book is full of constant adventure and action. Fans of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings will definitely like this book, too! Thanks to Samuel for sharing it with me!
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