By: Jacqueline Davies
Evan and his sister Jessie are only one year apart, and they usually enjoy doing things together over summer vacation. But this summer is different, Evan will be a fourth grader in August, and he just found out that the school has approved Jessie skipping third grade - so they'll be in the same class! Evan and Jessie are both nervous about this unusual situation. In the midst of an argument, the two decide to settle their differences by seeing who can earn the most money running a lemonade stand - the "lemonade war" begins.
Mrs. Senechal says:
The author did a terrific job of writing from both Jessie and Evan's point of view. Both kids certainly had things to be nervous about as they looked ahead to fourth grade. I also love all the creative thinking Jessie and Evan do to try to outsell the other. In the end, the kids both learn a lot about themselves and how important they are to each other - and how to sell a lot of lemonade! This is a very enjoyable book!